Monday, November 7, 2011

Quick Step Guide For Shepard ME2 Blue Bright Modded Eyes

First Get Gibs Save editor.
Hit the Raw tab and scroll down to Squad -> Player -> Appearance -> Morph Head -> Vector Parameters. Click the [...] button and another window will open.

On the left side of the second window, find the EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector entry. (It's number five on the list, at least for me.) Then, on the right side, hit the plus sign next to Value. The menu will expand. The R, G and B entries are for red, green and blue, and presumably go from 0 to 255 (but I haven't tested going higher) and higher numbers mean more glow. The character in the pic above has B 228, G 6 and R1.

Right below that one, you'll find HED_Hair_Colour_Vector. As you may guess, it controls hair colour (the character in my pic has a 1 in every field for white hair).

I believe the default values are all below 1 (typically something like 0.431212), so anything from 1 and above may have a tendency to look glowy under certain conditions. But then again, that may be exactly what you want.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mass Effect 3 Squad Members Back For The Fight!

Your squad members from Mass Effect 1 are returning, you can see both Ashley and Liara with Shepard having a conversation the squad you know and love is back!

Tali's Face Revealed? Mass Effect 3


   Some say this is proof of Tali Zorah Vas Normandy's face and that the features on her face lead to exact shape and glowing eyes that you only where able to see in mass effect 1 and 2. Others say this is a fake because Bioware would never release and image such shocking and revealing because in mass effect games before they would always save shocking and immense things in the campaign of the game.